It has now become a yearly tradition for our team of wearable technology experts. Watching the Apple Event that features a new watch, to analyze the features and provide analysis on what this means for the market and weighing the pros and cons. We’ve done so for the past 3 watch models (series 4, series…

Does Apple Watch HRV Actually Work?

Follow our social media 😊 As heart rate variability (HRV) becomes the go-to biomarker for health in 2021, many people are stuck wondering how exactly the HRV function works on the Apple Watch. While alternative products have done a great job of simplifying the science behind HRV, it’s still a feature that’s on the back burner at…

Why The AIO Sleeve has the best HRV App

In this Article It’s 2023, and the number of HRV enthusiasts is growing rapidly. It has taken some time, but people are finally ditching the step trackers and moving on to tracking something much more important. Heart rate variability is like our body’s check engine light. It provides insight into the complex mind-body-brain connection, the…

George Floyd Death Explained Using HRV

As the trial of Officer Chavin, and his involvement in the death of George Floyd, enters its final hours, we’ve seen a number of medical professionals, doctors, pulmonologists, etc. testify in front of the jury. While doctors will differ in their opinions on many issues, we look for a more definitive way to explain all…